Ured za međunarodnu i međuuniverzitetsku saradnju
Tuzla, 23.01.2025. godine
Zaprimili smo email obavijest sa Univerziteta u Frajburgu, Njemačka, o održavanju kratkih programa na temu jezika i kulture u okviru njihovog Ljetnog i Zimskog Univerziteta.
Sve detalje pogledajte u prilogu 1: Flyer Summer and Winter University 2025 ERASMUS i prilogu 2: Course Descriptions Freiburg 2025, a za dodatna pitanja, molimo Vas da se direktno obratite Univerzitetu u Frajburgu.
From: Sommer-Winter <sommer.winter@sli.uni-freiburg.de>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 at 14:46
Subject: Summer and Winter University Freiburg 2025: Short-term Language and Culture Immersion Programs
Dear Sir or Madam,
Greetings from Freiburg, Germany! We hope this e-mail finds you well.
Affiliated to the University of Freiburg, the Summer and Winter University of the Language Teaching Centre SLI offers short-term language and culture immersion programs to students from all over the world.
Our program 2025 includes a wide range of language and content courses in German and English, including specialized courses in Medical German, German for Natural Sciences and Engineering, German for Business and Economics, German for the Tourism Industry as well as Training for German Language Teachers. The courses take place at the University of Freiburg in the months of March, August and September. You can find all the details in the attached flyers and on our homepage. ERASMUS students of the University of Freiburg receive a 100,- € discount for the course.
We would be glad to welcome students, but also other persons interested in our program (staff members, administrators, teachers, etc.) in Freiburg.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Nadiia Dobrodyeyeva
Albert–Ludwigs–Universität Freiburg | University of Freiburg
Philologische Fakultät | Faculty of Philology
Sprachlehrinstitut | Language Teaching Centre
Intensivkurse Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Englisch | Intensive Courses German as a Foreign Language/English
T +49 (0)761 203-8981
Universitätsstr. 5
79098 Freiburg