‘The myth about Europe – in a search of a lost identity’

International Relations Office
Tuzla, 5 June 2020


Lecture entitled ‘The myth about Europe – in a search of a lost identity’ was held on the fourth day of Summer University. Dr.Ratko Duev, Full Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the ‘Ss.Cyril and Methodius University’ in Skopje held a lecture entitled ‘The myth about Europe – in a search of a lost identity’.

Through analysis of the myth and names of our continent, Dr. Duev introduces us to the story about Europe, who it really is, where it comes from, where it used to be, and where it is today.

LJUT 2020

Myth is not a religion. The myth is part of a ritual that was used in ancient times as a means to unite the beliefs of different people, overcome cultural differences, and unite the obvious civilizational differences that the Mediterranean people had with each other at that time.

Mythology tells us that Europe was a woman, a mere mortal, and for the ancient mythologists, in almost all versions of bribes, Europe was Phoenician. According to various myths, Europa was the daughter of the Phoenix or Agenor, king of Phoenicia and Telephassa, but she was also the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. Homer in his Iliad does not mention her name, but through the words of Zeus he expressed the myth about his love for the daughter of the Phoenix. The only epithet of Zeus is the word eurōpòs, which means ‘the one who looks far away’




The etymology of the name Europe, due to the lack of history, is also a myth, because we have no true truth or data about it. According to the myth, the word Eurōpē comes from the Greek word eurys and ops which means ‘wide-open eyes’. According to many people today, the name Europe has an Indo-European origin. In fact, the main conclusion about the origin of the name of our continent was given by the Professor Duev, and the conclusion is that Europe even today does not recognize that its name is of Semitic origin.

Professor Duev stressed that every conflict is based on a false history and false mythology. Therefore, many, like R. Schumann and J. Monet, etc. had a vision for a united Europe, taught by the bitter experiences of the European wars. An enthusiastic proponent of creating a United States of Europe is Victor Hugo, who said that ‘the war between Europeans is a civil war’.

Europe today is a symbol of human dignity, freedom, justice, solidarity, human rights, equality and peace, or is it so? What about respect for cultural identity and diversity? Politicians of the Western Balkans, and we all believe that we need to get to Europe. However, according to the Professor Duev, it is time to ask yourself a question like Kadmo in Delhi: where is Europe? Cadmo did not find it, but he founded it. Maybe we won’t find it either, because it’s inside us.

Professor Duev concluded his lecture by concluding that Europe from the 19th century to this day does not preserve the tradition of its origin from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome and does not respect its tradition, in which our ancestors were tolerant towards other religions and other beliefs.

One interesting comment at the end of the lecture was made by Professor Mehmed Nurkanovic from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics of the University of Tuzla who said that: ‘We were Europe when Europe was not Europe, and today we are waiting for the part that was not Europe to accept us into Europe.’