Erasmus+ Info Day was held at University of Tuzla

Održan Erasmus+ info dan na Univerzitetu u Tuzli

International Relations Office and Erasmus+ National Office held an Erasmus + info day. The event was opened by Suad Muhibic, Director of the Erasmus+ National Office in BiH and Vice-Rector for International Relations.


International Relations Office
Tuzla, 6 January 2022


International Relations Office and Erasmus+ National Office held an Erasmus + info day. The event was opened by Suad Muhibic, Director of the Erasmus+ National Office in BiH and Vice-Rector for International Relations.
A new Erasmus+ Call was published, and on this occasion Director Suad Muhibić held a workshop entitled “How to prepare a successful Erasmus+ Project proposal?’


On this occasion, a presentation was held, which presented the capabilities of Erasmus+, registration instructions, tips for preparing documents, as well as what to do after receiving information that you have been selected for mobility. After that, a session related to answers and questions was organized where we tried to answer all inquiries about mobility and prepared a project application.


Erasmus+ Info Day was held at University of Tuzla

Održan Erasmus+ info dan na Univerzitetu u Tuzli