Fourth BUA panel underway: “Migration in the Balkans: Challenges and future perspectives”


The panel on “Migration in the Balkans: Challenges and future perspectives” was opened by Professor Erhan Tabakoğlu, Rector of Trakya University and Secretary General of the Balkan Association of Universities.

Rector Tabakoğlu talked about the numerous challenges faced by young people in smaller communities in the Balkans, which often lead to the tendency to emigrate. Lack of job opportunities, limited access to education and cultural factors often make these environments less attractive for young people. In addition, the lack of infrastructure and availability of services also plays a role in their decision to leave. In order to stop this trend, it is necessary to invest in the development of smaller communities, create new opportunities for employment and education, and promote cultural diversity and social activism.

He noted and emphasized the importance of understanding the current Balkan situation when it comes to the departure of young educated personnel to Western Europe.

“We need a new and sustainable economic model to retain young people in our countries,” Professor Tabakoğlu said.


BUA 2023 – Migration in the Balkans: Challenges and future perspectives

BUA 2023 – Migracije na Balkanu: Izazovi i buduće perspective