The fourth panel of the BUA Conference has ended


The panel on “Migration in the Balkans: Challenges and future perspectives” began with a presentation by Prof. Dr. Erhan Tabakoğlu, the Rector of Trakya University and General Secretary of BUA.

Rector Tabakoğlu said that “Universities should be leaders of social changes and bearers of ideas of progress”. He proposed a joint document of the university network on the topic of migration, as well as research on the attitudes of young people in countries whose universities are members of BUA.

Prof. Dr. Deniz Eroğlu Utku presented research on the “Balkan Migrant Route”, which she stated is the “most active” migrant route. Professor Eroğlu Utku also spoke about the events in which the concept of “State security” became more prominent, such as September 11, the “Arab Spring”, conflicts around the world that contributed to migration processes.

“Future Perspectives Regarding the Migration in the Balkans” was the topic of the presentation of the Lect. Enes Turbić, PhD. He spoke about the role of migration in social and political processes in the Balkans, emphasizing that migration in the Balkans is not an unknown phenomenon. He paid special attention to migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ending his presentation with Šantić’s verses: “Stay here”.

Rector of New York University in Tirana, Prof. Dr. Erkan Erdemir spoke about the problem of depopulation as a loss, not only of people but also of the future, considering that there will be a lack of citizens who would be the driving force of society.


The fourth panel of the BUA Conference has ended