ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 – Capacity building in the field of higher education – Projects


1. Strenghtening of Internationalisation in BiH higher education (STINT)

2. Modernising geodesy education in Western Balkan with focus on competences and learning outcomes (GEOWEB)

3. Knowledge FOr Resilient soCiEty (K-FORCE)

4. Assisting Better Communication (ABC)

5. Qualifications Framework as Platform for the development of learning outcomes based curriculum-QFP

6. INCLUSION – Development and integration of social dimension strategies in Armenia and BiH through cross-regional peer learning

7. Introducing competence-based preschool teacher education curricula in Bosnia and Herzegovina –TEACHER

8. Western Balkan Academic Education Evolution and Professional’s Sustainable Training for Spatial Data Infrastructures – BESTSDI


9. Strengthening Capacities for Higher Education of Pain Medicine in Western Balkan countries (Higher Education Pain Medicine Project – HEPMP)


10. Boosting the telecommunications engineer profile to meet modern society and industry needs – (BENEFIT)


11.  Electrical Energy Markets and Engineering Education – ELEMEND


12. Development of master curricula in ecological monitoring and aquatic bioassessment for Western Balkans HEIs – ECOBIAS


13. INTERnationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western BAlkans – INTERBA


14. Sustainable University – Enterprise Cooperation for Improving Graduate Employability – SUCCESS


15. Development of part-time and short cycle studies in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina – PARTISH


16. jOiNEd For sUsTainability – bUilding climate REsilient communities in WB and EU – 1FUTURE


17. Harvesting (digital) Alternation in Ways that Knock-down Inaccessibility of New Generations – HAWKING


18. Gender Equality in Academia and Research – GEAR


19. BIOSINT – Strengthening Capacities and Digital Competences in Biomedical Education through Internationalization at Home


20. SuProM – Sustainable project management in Balkan HEIs