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The University of Tuzla provides the best study programs in all 123 study programs, from biomedical, technical, humanistic, and social sciences at 12 faculties and one art academy, from undergraduate, master, to doctoral studies. The 47-year tradition of higher education at the University of Tuzla, as well as the recognition of our diplomas worldwide, are the best evidence of the recognition and success of our students and alumni. News

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Studijska posjeta Univerzitetu u Nikoziji u okviru Erasmus + projekta HAWKING

Study visit to the University of Nicosia within the Erasmus+ HAWKING project

  From March 4 to 6, 2025, a study visit was conducted at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, as part of the Erasmus+ Hawking project. The project focuses on enhancing...

Univerzitet u Tuzli - OTVORENA IZLOŽBA „FUNDUS-UNTZ 2025“

Open Exhibition “FUNDUS-UNTZ 2025”

  On February 20, 2025, the exhibition titled "Fundus 2025" was opened at the International Studio Ismet Mujezinović. The exhibition features 16 artists and twenty original works from the collection...

Univerzitet u Tuzli - The kick-off meeting was held within the Erasmus+ RDBIH project at the University of Sarajevo

The kick-off meeting was held within the Erasmus+ RDBIH project  at the University of Sarajevo

    The University of Sarajevo hosted the kick-off meetings of the ERASMUS+ CBHE project "Development of Research & Development Strategies and Centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina" (RDBIH) on February 12th...

Univerzitet u Tuzli - Početni sastanak održan je u okviru Erasmus+ SuProM projekta na Univerzitetu u Ljubljani

The Kick-off meeting was held within the Erasmus+ SuProM project at the University of Ljubljana

  The Erasmus+ project entitled "Sustainable Project Management in Balkan HEIs (SuProM)" started with its implementation in January 2025. The first Consortium meeting and the Project management process analysis approach...

Treći bilten Projekta 1FUTURE

1FUTURE Newsletter 3rd Edition

  Within the framework of 1FUTURE (jOiNEd For sUsTainability – bUilding climate REsilient communities in WB and EU) project, the third newsletter has been released, which you can download from...