Within the ERASMUS+ mobility program between the University of Kassel and the University of Tuzla in the period from 18 October to 21 October 2021, a series of meetings and a “Matchmaking Event” was organized to promote cooperation between the University of Kassel and the University of Tuzla, as well as to to expand the capacity of the project in terms of involving students and teaching staff from some of the departments in Kassel and Tuzla.

On 18 October 18 2021, a meeting of students of the University of Tuzla, interested in this mobility program, was held with Professor Uwe Dorka, a coordinator of the mobility program on behalf of the University of Kassel. The meeting was organized by the International Relations Office of the University of Tuzla. The meeting was attended by students from the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Economics, Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In the introductory part of the meeting, a student of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, Amila Barčić, who has already spent one semester in Kassel as part of this program, presented her experiences to the students. Students received direct information about the mobility program and the specifics of mobility with the University of Kassel from Professor Uwe Dorka, student Amila Barčić and the International Relations Office of the University of Tuzla.



On 19 October 2021, an online meeting between the International Relations Offices of the University of Kassel and the University of Tuzla was held. At the meeting, all information necessary for the operationalization of future cooperation between the two offices was exchanged. The meeting opened a number of issues related to the coordination of activities between the two offices, all in order to enable as many teachers and students to visit the University of Kassel and also that teachers and students from Kassel visit the University of Tuzla.

On the same day, the Research Center at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering was opened as part of the IPA project RESPONSA, which is implemented by teachers from the scientific field of Mechanics with Geomechanics and Geotechnics. The opening of the Center was used to analyze the possibilities of expanding the project in terms of joint participation of the University of Kassel and the University of Tuzla.



On 20 October 2021, the first gathering of those interested in the mobility program (the first Matchmaking Event) was organized on the Campus, in the newly opened laboratory of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, which aimed to connect students and teachers of the University of Kassel and the University of Tuzla. This is the first such event, organized by the International Relations Office of the University of Tuzla, with the online participation of professors and students of the University of Kassel. As the University of Tuzla has signed cooperation agreements with over 80 universities, in the coming period it is planned to organize similar events under individual cooperation agreements. In the preparation of this event, more than twenty teachers from the University of Tuzla and six teachers from the University of Kassel expressed interest. Ideas for future cooperation were presented on sixteen (16) posters. Students and professors from the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Economics, Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences took part in this event. Before and during this event, master students of the Faculty of Technology and the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering established contact with potential co-supervisors on the development of the master’s thesis. Also, the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports has established contact with the partner department in Kassel and a joint project is being prepared.

On 21 October 2021, a final meeting was held at which the achieved effects of the meetings of the past days were summarized. A framework plan for the mobility of students, teaching staff and administrative staff has been defined.

All activities from 18 October to 21 October 2021 were covered by the local media.




Erasmus+ mobility program between the University of Kassel, Germany and the University of Tuzla

Erasmus+ program mobilnosti između Univerziteta u Kassel-u, Njemačka i Univerziteta u Tuzli