The University of Tuzla participated at the session of the Scientific Committee of the Rectors’ Conference of the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC), which was held on 20 May 2022 at the University of Novi Pazar, in Novi Pazar, Serbia, as well as at the session of the General Assembly of the Rector’s Conference of the Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) that was held on 21 May 2022 in Shkodra, Albania. The meeting of the General Assembly was attended by rectors and vice-rectors of the universities of the Alpine-Adriatic region, and the University of Tuzla was represented by Prof.dr. Nermin Sarajlić Vice-Rector for Scientific Research.
The Alps-Adriatic Rectors’ Conference (AARC) consists of more than 40 universities (from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Serbia and Slovenia) from the Alps-Adriatic region. The main objective of the AARC is to promote transnational dialogue and cross-border cooperation in the field of university education and research between higher education institutions throughout the region, as well as interdisciplinary cooperation with various partners in the field of culture, industry and art. The Permanent Secretary of AARC is both a service center for AARC members and a contact person for the public and is located at the Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt.