Annual award for the popularization and promotion of the science, awarded to Elvis Ahmetović, PhD, Full Professor of the Faculty of Technology of the University of Tuzla
The ceremonial session of the Science Council of the Federal Ministry of Education and Science, at which four laureates of the federal awards for science were presented to the entire public, which are awarded as the highest recognition for extremely significant scientific achievements in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was held on Tuesday, 7 December 2021 in Sarajevo, at the headquarters of the FBiH Government.
A Lifework Award was awarded this year to Honorary Professor, Dr. Faruk Čaklovica. Jurica Arapović,PhD, Associate Professor received Annual Award for Science, while the Annual Award for Outstanding Youth Work was awarded to Josipa Krezić.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Science also awarded special recognition to Andrej Gaić, MA for his remarkable research work in the field of natural sciences, popularization of science and promotion of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the domestic and international plan.
It is a special honor and pleasure to emphasize that The Annual Award for the Popularization and Promotion of Science, which is awarded for the contribution to the expansion of knowledge of the doctrine, which is manifested in the popular presentation of valuable professional and scientific publications and other forms of presentation, is awarded to Elvis Ahmetović, PhD, Full Professor of the Faculty of Technology of the University of Tuzla.
Elvis Ahmetović, PhD, Full Professor received an award for his great contribution to the expansion of new knowledge in science through publication, presentation and promotion. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 papers, 7 books and 3 chapters in books and has been cited more than 950 times. He has participated in more than 50 mobility exchange programs, more than 10 guest lectures and 15 projects, and in 2020 he was a coordinator of four international and one domestic projects. He participated in TV shows and conferences in 2020 in order to promote and popularize science.
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The Federal Ministry of Bosnia and Herzegovina awarded annual awards in four categories