During period from 14 to 17 March 2022, the first training for coordinators of councils and committees for gender equality and university staff within the UNIGEM project was held at the Hills Hotel in Ilidža, organized by the TPO Foundation with the participation of 18 partner universities from the country and the region. The training, led by colleagues from the University of Rijeka, focused on the development and implementation of action plans for gender equality in universities, structural support in the implementation of gender mainstreaming policies at universities, and discussions on forms of misogyny and sexism in higher education institutions.
The training, divided into two parts, was attended by about a hundred representatives of partner universities. On behalf of the University of Tuzla, prof.dr. Jasmina Husanović, coordinator of the Council for Gender Equality, member of the Council prof.dr. Vesna Bratovčić, Vice-Rector for International Relation, prof.dr. Dženeta Omerdić, prof. dr. Melinda Botalić, prof.dr. Gabriel Pinkas, Vice-Dean for research at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Alma Tanović, Senior Officer and Mirela Biberović, Senior Officer.
An entire university community at the University of Tuzla will jointly work on the implementation of the Action Plan for Gender Equality (GEP) of the University of Tuzla (available at http://untz.ba/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/GEP_UNTZ_2022_2025_januar2022.pdf), which was adopted by the Senate in February this year, which implies the promotion of gender equality in all areas of the university.
The first training of the Council for Gender Equality members of partner universities held within the UNIGEM project