1. Strenghtening of Internationalisation in BiH higher education – STINT
3. Knowledge FOr Resilient soCiEty – K-FORCE
4. Assisting Better Communication – ABC
5. Qualifications Framework as Platform for the development of learning outcomes based curriculum-QFP
10. Boosting the telecommunications engineer profile to meet modern society and industry needs – BENEFIT
11. Electrical Energy Markets and Engineering Education – ELEMEND
14. Sustainable University – Enterprise Cooperation for Improving Graduate Employability – SUCCESS
15. Development of part-time and short cycle studies in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina- PARTISH
16. jOiNEd For sUsTainability – bUilding climate REsilient communities in WB and EU – 1FUTURE
18. Gender Equality in Academia and Research – GEAR
20. Sustainable project management in Balkan HEIs – SuProM